martes, 16 de abril de 2013

CA1 (Continuous Assessment 1)

Continuous Assessment 1.

>Act. 01

Australian Cattle Dog 99% match

The Australian cattle dog is of moderate build, enabling it to combine great endurance with bursts of speed and the extreme agility necessary in controlling unruly cattle. It is sturdy and compact, slightly longer than it is tall. Its gait is supple and tireless, and it must be capable of quick and sudden movement. Its ability to stop quickly is aided by the rudderlike action of its tail (which is never docked). Its weather-resistant coat consists of a short, dense undercoat and moderately short, straight outer coat of medium texture. Learn more!


Vocabulary Activity: These terms appear in the questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

  • sprinter: a high speed runner of short distance.
  • jogger: a person who runs at a jog trot over some distance for exercise, usually regularly.
  • breed: a group of organisms within a species, esp a group of domestic animals, originated and maintained by man and having a clearly defined set of characteristics. A lineage or race.
  • to hunt: to seek out and kill or capture (game or wild animals) for food or sport.
  • laid-back approach:  relaxed in style, character, or behaviour; easy-going and unhurried to come nearer in position, time, quality, character, etc, to (someone or something)
  • watchdog: a dog kept to guard property.
  • grooming: to rub down, clean, and smarten (a horse, dog, etc).
  • supple: capable of or showing easy or graceful movement; lithe.
  • gait: manner of walking or running; bearing. (used esp of horses and dogs) the pattern of footsteps at various speeds, as the walk, trot, canter, etc, each pattern being distinguished by a particular rhythm and footfall.
  • bursts: to break or cause to break open or apart suddenly and noisily, esp from internal pressure; explode. (intransitive) to come, go, etc, suddenly and forcibly: he burst into the room
  • devote: to apply or dedicate (oneself, time, money, etc) to some pursuit, cause, etc.
  • rudder: a vertical control surface attached to the rear of the fin used to steer an aircraft, in conjunction with the ailerons. Anything that guides or directs.
> Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog guide > dog training > Can dogs understand what we say?

First, read the text.
Then select 5 words you don't know and find their meaning.
Finally, write a 30-40 summary of the text.

  • toddlers: a young child, usually one between the ages of one and two and a half.
  • strengthened: to make or become stronger.
  • cadence: the beat or measure of something rhythmic. Modulation of the voice; intonation.
  • pungent musk: a strong-smelling glandular secretion with acrid smell or sharp bitter flavour.
  • issue: a topic of interest or discussion.

-Can dogs understand what we say? 

 People says that their dogs can actually understand what they say, in fact, studies show that the average dog can understand about 165 different words. Some doctors think that dogs can even be taught to respond to hand signals. But the most important think about communication with dogs is non-verbal interaction, as the special pungent musk from their butts.

> Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows from this website that attract your interest.
   In one or two lines, tell me why you would like to watch each program.
Animal Cops, Catshin' King & Pit Boss.
I like action, and their got action and cute animals, special the last one, LOVE TINY PEOPLE WITH BIG DOGS.

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